Friday, 25 May 2012

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

It was hot and sunny, and it was weekends, whatta perfect day do take photos, so we decided to go to Brandenburger Tor. awh that was a veeerrryyy beautiful place, you have to visit it and take some photos like i did hihihi.

hmmmh, i was wondering what people search actually in blog ? and what kind of blog is mine ? is this a fashion blog ? im not pretty sure. i didnt make lists of people requests, i didnt even remember all, and i didnt even do it all. i mean i did it but yaaah not all because i have my own world that more more important than just blogging everytime, then just thinking what should i post in my blog today. i still need time to eat frenchfries (?). well, whatever i was just wondering, whatever my blog will be, the future's not ours to see, Que sera,sera what will be will be ..... oh please, im geeting weird :x

well, for my blog reader or maybe stalker , i really know that you all have sooo many questions for me. you chatted me, you sent me inboxes, you mentioned me on twitter. sorry if i didnt answer it all. now you can ask me. maybe about who is my inspirations, or which one do you choose chocolate or french fries ( i'm sure you all know what im gonna answer ), or... horror movie or  comedy, blablabla. so, ask me anything. ask me all your questions, you may make a list or hahaha whatever, insyaallah i'll try to answer it and i'll post in my blog. but! i will just answer your good questions, your inspiring questions, your funnny questions, if i get too many questions, i'll select them to be answered and posted in my blog. you may ask me by send me facebook inbox, twitter dm, or in comment below . not to my email cause i never open my email ehehe... if you dont understand enough, you ma ask me :), ( im not gonna answer your questions at that time, but i'll answer it in my blog post, the limit is until 30th april 2011, you may ask me as much as you want, dont forget to write your name or some infos so i know who you are ). thank you for participating :)

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada
zara cardigan, H&M jumpsuit, H&M sandal, top shop clutch

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

Brandenburger Tor - Nada

huaaah tomorrow is monday ( again again again ) dont be lazy, keep spirit everyone :)

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